Tag Archives: Mandelson

“Mandy’s command performance”.

Whilst it is unlikely, certainly if the Sun has anything to do with it,  that the day will be saved for Labour, his Conference performance  on Tuesday was an object lesson to all who pitch.

Not surprising was some  very clever content. Labour needed to fight and think “like insurgents, not incumbents”.

Also, not surprising but telling, was his use of  personal anecdote. “I did not choose this party.  I was born into it.  It is in my blood and in my bones”.  And most quoted, “If I can come back, we can come back!”(thunderous applause to this)

Not surprising either was the time spent on rehearsal.  “I don’t know how many mirrors Peter Mandelson broke practising his speech but it was worth it”. (Times). “They listened to his rehearsed mea culpa…”( DMail).

What was surprising,  particularly for one not known as an orator, was his theatricality.  Unafraid, he went for the emotional jugular. With dramatic gesture, facial expression, oddly varied tone, but very much in command. It was pure performance!

“Mandy the magician stole the show”. “Everyone, absolutely everyone, was spell bound…we were all riding an emotional rollercoaster”. “He was bold, he was big, he was bravura”. “It was pure Vegas showman…it lifted morale, entranced and enflamed”.

As Quentin Letts wrote about this ‘piratical’ performance from the podium, ” What was striking yesterday was the theatricality of his oratory.  And yet, on the day it worked. The delegates gorged themselves.  At last they had heard something surprising, something confident”.

An earlier post on, June 16th, was headed ‘Mandelson. A Lesson in Confidence’.  It concluded, “love him or hate him but learn from him. Know your brief and ‘ooze’ confidence.  And this you can achieve through rehearsal, lots of it”.

A special pitchcoach award to Mandy!

Mandelson. A lesson in confidence.

If there is one word that that characterises the winning pitch it is confidence.  Does the team have it? Do they inspire it?

In  my post on January 18th, ” His (Gordon Brown’s) appointment of Mandelson, who exudes an eery sense of confidence, could prove to be a masterstroke”.  And how!

We have witnessed pitching, the art of persuasion, at its very best.  Some of the editorial plaudits include: “Without Mandelson’s powers of persuasion, Gordon Brown would be out of a job” (IoS). “Gordon has clung to Peter’s presentational flair, tactical nous, coolness in a crisis..”(Observer).

And from Quentin Lett, master of body language observation,” You do not have to like Peter Mandelson–not many do–to admit he has played a presentational blinder these past few weeks …sleek, serene, brain ticking as fast as the workings of a Swiss watch.  He radiates natural authority.  He is calm.  He knows his brief.”

Love him or hate him, but learn from him. Know your brief, and ‘ooze’ confidence.  And this you can achieve through rehearsal, lots of it.

Mandy, Moscow, mortgages.

The return of Lord Mandelson(!!) must be a dream come true for newspaper editors. He’s like the perfect pantomime villain and a rich source for juicy, or is it salacious, editorial.  Everyday, in all titles, there is comment on the latest in a seemingly never ending stream  of his ‘close to the wind’ activities.

One in partIcular caught my eye.  It was in today’s Daily Mail.

What made the story so persuasive, such a clever pitch, was the way it was juxtaposed with another, apparently, unrelated one.

On the left hand page,8, a forest of ‘For Sale’ signs’ pictured with the headline “120 FAMILIES A DAY LOSE THE BATTLE TO PAY THEIR MORTGAGE”

On the opposite page, a photo of Lord M with smug smile, rubbing his hands together, under the headline “FIT FOR AN OLIGARCH! OR HOW MANDY IS STAYING IN A £5,500-A-NIGHT MOSCOW HOTEL SUITE…

Of course, it was not so long ago that Mandy made his own mortgage story.



Mandelson. An experiment in hybrid vigour?

Yesterday at around 7.30, coming out of my local newsagent,  I  had to  pause to avoid an early morning jogger.  In his now trademark black shorts and vest, it was David Cameron, looking fit and moving at a good pace.

This was not, it seemed to me, someone running for the photo opportunity.  There was no entourage. This was someone, like many in high pressure jobs, running to stay fit.  The fitter you are the more energy you have and right now Cameron, and his team, exude more of it than Gordon Brown’s team.  One of the reasons they are more attractive to more people.

In one of the best practice guides on this site, Managing Energy, I look at ways at ‘amplifying’ energy.  One of them reads: “Consider introducing ‘hybrid vigour’, the concept of cross-fertilisation for enhanced performance in breeding.  In teams, changing the mix of people can re-invigorate.”

Could the introduction of Peter Mandelson be an experiment in hybrid vigour?  However much he polarises opinon,  he will undoubtedly bring new energy to the Cabinet, something sorely needed.