Tag Archives: power

The idea of power

A recent article in the Evening Standard  carried the headline: GOOD IDEAS AREN’T ENOUGH- ED NEEDS TO PROJECT POWER.


Journalist  Jenni Russell discusses the four major problems he faces only one of which is largely under his control. He cannot do much about the ‘structural impotence’ of the opposition, or the ‘plague of Labour’s legacy’, or Cameron’s success in ‘acting in some ways as Labour would be proud to do’.

The fourth problem which is largely under his control (or is it?) is his style and manner.  A problem shared by many pitch teams and those who lead them!

“Voters doubt his capacity to lead. Milliband’s private charm and intellectual curiosity aren’t translating well to the public stage. He isn’t coming across as a man comfortable with having and wielding power. These are essential qualities in a leader.”

In the competitive pitch the clever ideas person who developed the strategy may not be the best to pitch it .  Feelings may be bruised when someone with more ‘power’ but less intellect is chosen to present.  What matters is the impact on the audience.

If the substitute bench is empty, serious performance rehearsal, not a tired run-through, will help. It is not a miracle cure for a lack of charisma. What it can do is raise every individual performance and that of the team to  greater levels of confidence, clarity and persuasion. More power.


A winning combination would be one where David Cameron pitches Ed Milliband’s ideas – as he is doing!