Pit(ch)falls: 1.Rehearsal resistance.

In the world of theatre rehearsal is fundamental to delivering  a great performance.  On first night and every other night. And, of course, the rehearsals are assessed and directed for audience impact by a director, not one of the paticipating actors.

Pitching in business also calls for performance, usually for one ‘first’  night not a run, but success on that one night could transform your business.  Everyone pays lip service to rehearsal being a good thing but in practice most resist it. The stated  excuses are usually predictable:

‘ we are waiting for one last bit of material/information’

‘ so and so is tied up in client meeting’

‘ the document needs some revisions’

‘rehearsals waste my  nervous energy’

‘CEO (avoiding it) says go ahead without him/her’

And so on with the result that if and when it happens one desultory rehearsal takes place late, on the evening before, when everyone is tired and there is no time to  make any significant  changes.

Any other well worn excuses?

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