“Boris” versus “Ken”, power of a name?

The press today and yesterday carried the amusing story that cabinet ministers were told they would have to pay  £5 into a ‘swear box’ each time they referred to Boris Johnson by his first name alone.

This is not as silly as it first sounds. In marketing we know that powerful brands add value through their  emotional relationship with consumers. “Ken” , the  mature established brand leader will take some dislodging and ,as Ken, has more appeal than Ken Livingston.

However he is up against the refreshing challenger  and the government, rightly,  fears calling him simply “Boris” makes him appear ‘too charismatic and popular’ and ‘too accessible and friendly’.

As the battle for London hots up it will be interesting to see if the opposing ‘knights’ add visual sybols to help their cause. A newt rampant perhaps or haystack backward?

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