“The world’s oldest Jewish Comedian is still standing!”
This, on a flier for Sol Bernstein, was just one of hundreds of claims competing for attention in what must be one of the world’s most engaging pitch experiences, the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Seemingly, every single one of countless performances -edgy comedy, dark drama, quirky circus, political polemic- was pitched individually, and constantly, on the High Street and at venues like Underbelly and the Gilded Balloon.
Each pitch came from surprisingly engaging supporters, or, better still the performers themselves, handing out their ubiquitous fliers. All of these emblazoned with a minimum of three stars from critics from publications ranging from the Guardian and Time Out to the oft quoted Chortle through to Weight Loss Weekly..
Any pitch calls for performance, the putting on of a show and creating an experience that is memorable, likeable and engaging. Edinburgh an outright winner!
And many of the shows were winners too. My favourite was Woody Sez-the words, music and spirit of Woody Gutherie. “Perfect”(The Scotsman). “Sublime” (Pitchcoach).