For energy, you can read all the e words – enthusiasm, emotion, exuberance, excitement and enjoyment. Teams who exude energy are more successful than those who don’t. Simple as. They are more attractive to potential clients, who are only human after all, and who will be seduced by an engaging (another e word) smile or upbeat personalities like the rest of us.
The energy teams win more often.
Paul Arden in his ‘world’s best selling book’, “It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be”, wrote “energy is 75% of the job. If you haven’t got it, be nice”.
When it comes to pitching, even the sleepiest of teams will be energized by the spirit of competition and the adrenalin in the room, so generating more energy, winning energy, should be the challenge. Not as most teams believe, the charts, content et al. The issue is one of harnessing and managing it.
The notion of ‘energy’ is more than the sensible project timing plan that most will put in place for any pitch. Don’t just think time, think energy. Here are a couple of practical energy amplifying ideas.
First, the concept of ‘morning energy’. Most of us are fresher and have more energy at the start of the day so early morning time will produce better thinking, faster. Particularly is this true in the team context. As the day wears on, client issues distract! Give the pitch preparation morning priority.
Second, avoid the ‘macho’ energy trap, the one that says you have never failed to deliver on time because everyone worked till midnight the day before the pitch. People put off rehearsals till the last minute, when they are too tired to care, and it shows the next day.
Don’t waste energy. Do the worst thing, first thing. Start with a ruthless timing plan which keeps the energy up every day and, most important, in each rehearsal meeting. When the team are each given their responsibilities, make them think Carpe Diem.
Make the content watertight, which is the rational part of the presentation, but remember the winning ingredient will be emotional. Does the client want, need and love you. This will only come with the E word.
(This bit of energy now also on