As the debates draw ever closer, the Political WAGs are rolling up their sleeves for the SamCam(!) versus Sarah(my hero Gordon) show with only Mrs Clegg having the good grace to spare us more Jordan style intimacy.
Unfortunately for ‘Dave’ and Gordon they have to stand on their own feet in front of the cameras, presumably well rehearsed and probably bolstered by their experience of handling the cut and thrust of Prime Minister’s question time. Easy compared to the over-regulated debate?
Perhaps not. In trying to prove themselves with their grasp of policy and desparate to score points over their rivals in front of the viewing millions they run the risk of being seen to try too hard, being too clever and too rushed.
What can be seen as witty and wounding in Question time will be seen as less than likeable in this civilised debate. It will also look less than confident.
In any pitch, when adrenaline is high, one of the things that undermines the appearance of confidence is rushing to get started, to move from one point to the next, to reply to a question.
The solution is simple. Pause. Pause. Pause and you will look confident. Pause for thought.
Recent television appearances indicate that Clegg who has naturally easy body language has the confidence to pause and to look like a leader. Still my tip for winner in the debates.